Welcome to this Property & Liberty! My blog is about all my property portfolio building endeavors and the freedom or not... that co...
About Me
This blog is about sharing my learning and insights of the British property investment world with you. It is often coloured through my take on life and living free. I will also invite guest-bloggers to offer you even more than I have. If you stick by me you will assuredly build your property knowledge without realising it. I hope you will also have fun, get shocked and sometime swear at me. It's all good!
I believe we are mostly defined by love; the people we love and the ones who love us. So I am a life companion to a beautiful man, a mother of 2 boys that words cannot describe and a friend of a few. At the centre of all this, I am beloved by an utterly crazy and passionate God; everyone else's love is a bonus.
I believe we are mostly defined by love; the people we love and the ones who love us. So I am a life companion to a beautiful man, a mother of 2 boys that words cannot describe and a friend of a few. At the centre of all this, I am beloved by an utterly crazy and passionate God; everyone else's love is a bonus.
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